beta n. 1.希腊字母第二字 [B,β]。 2.第二位的东西。 3.【天文学】β星〔星座中第二等最亮的星〕。
distribution n. 1.分配,分发,配给;分配装置[系统];配给品;配给量;【经济学】配给方法,配给过程;分红;【法律】(无遗嘱死亡者的)财产分配。 2.分布,配置,分布状态;【生物学】(生物的)分布范围;【无线电】频率分布。 3.分类,整理,区分。 4.【电学】配电;【机械工程】配汽;【印刷】拆版;【逻辑学】周延(性)。 5.销售。 the distribution of wealth 财富的分配。 the accurate distribution of zoological specimens 动物品种的精确分类。 live on charitable distributions alone 完全依靠配给救济品生活。 the distribution of coniferous forests 针叶林的分布范围。 the distribution of troops 部队配置。 The distribution of our school paper is now 3000. 我们校刊的发行量现在是3000份。 We have a good harvest but our distribution is bad. 我们丰收了,但是产品卖不出去。
Methods according to the bayesian conjugate prior distribution principle , the estimating methods of prior parameters ( , ) of the conjugate beta distribution be ( , ) of the binomial distribution was given by writing the sas programs 方法根据贝叶斯共轭先验分布原理,对二项分布的共轭贝塔分布中的、两个先验参数的确定方法进行分析比较,编写sas程序确定先验参数。
Secondly , by characteristic statistic , the probabilistic distribution of silt indexes is roughly learned , then the normal and beta distribution probabilistic models are fitted for generally symmetric distribution indexes , and the beta distribution models for all indexes owing to their good adaptability . after tested , the indexes of cuu and < t > m fitted by the beta models are very good 其次,用特征统计量对粉土工程性质指标的概率分布作了粗略了解后,对大致对称分布的指标作了正态分布和beta分布拟合,对不对称分布的指标作了beta分布拟合,最后得出用beta分布拟合c _ ( uu )和_ ( uu )是较理想的。
The class of distributions includes the weibull , burr - type x , pareto and beta distributions . a proper general prior density function is suggested , and predictive density functions are obtained in one - and two - sample cases when the history sample is a type ii double censored sample . illustrative examples are given 在type双删失数据场合下,讨论了双参数burr - type分布参数的贝叶斯估计,在所取的损失函数分别为平方损失, linex损失,熵损失函数下得到了参数的贝叶斯估计,并且给出一种近似算法。
In the sense of mean squares , maximum likelihood estimator , best linear unbiased estimator , taest linear invariant estimator , and good linear estimator are contracted . fourth , proposed and researched the reliability analysis method under the zero - failure data and doof data . based on the part beta distribution as the prior distribution of failure probability p , = p ( t < r , } , hierarchical bayesian estimate method was discussed , obtain the reliability analysis method under the zero - failure data and the doof data 第四,提出并研究了无失效数据类型和doof数据类型下电连接器的可靠性分析方法,提出了以不完全beta分布为一级先验分布,超参数为[ 0 , 1 ]上的均匀分布作为失效概率先验分布的多层bayes方法,结合加权最小二乘法解决了产品在无失效数据和doof数据下的可靠性分析问题。